
The main purpose of this code is to guarantee a secure and welcoming environment for learning at the school, while also safeguarding the school’s property and reputation, and promoting the development of self-discipline and respect among students.

While this document primarily addresses disciplinary procedures, it also recognizes that student behavior is influenced by several other factors within the school program, such as the quality and relevance of the curriculum, opportunities for student leadership, support and encouragement provided to students, and the availability of welfare services.

Rights and Responsibilities

Principals and staff have a responsibility to

  • implement the Code of Conduct fairly, reasonably and consistently. 

Teachers have a right to 

  • expect the co-operation of students,
  • expect that they will be able to teach in an orderly and co-operative environment,
  • expect the support of other staff and the administration in fulfilling their professional duties,
  • maintain flexibility in their approach to classroom procedures and organisation within the framework of school policy. 

Teachers have a responsibility to

  • treat students fairly and consistently,
  • provide an appropriate range of learning strategies,
  • undertake the counselling of students and pastoral role when appropriate,
  • develop in students an awareness and understanding of school rules,
  • follow the agreed policies and procedures of the school regarding student management,
  • communicate with parents and guardians on matters relating to the educational development and behaviour of their children. 

Students have a right to 

  • feel safe within the school,
  • learn in a challenging environment to the best of their ability,
  • be treated with respect by other students and teachers,
  • be listened to.  

Students have a responsibility to 

  • accept school policies regarding behaviour,
  • act and work co-operatively with other students and teachers,
  • respect the learning needs of other students,
  • take progressive responsibility for their own learning, to work consistently and complete tasks as required,
  • be tolerant of differences,
  • be punctual and regular in attendance,
  • inform parents of educational progress and to ensure that all school communication is effectively delivered. 

Parents/guardians have a right to  

  • expect that their children can interact and learn in a secure environment,
  • be informed of matters regarding their children,
  • be involved in developing strategies for student behaviour.

Parents/guardians have a responsibility to 

  • encourage children to observe school rules,
  • work co-operatively with the school to solve problems,
  • provide support for teachers in implementing the code of conduct,
  • communicate relevant information and concerns to the school. 

Students have the responsibility: 

  • to uphold the reputation of the school by observing an appropriate standard of behaviour in transit to and from the school and when wearing school uniform.
  • to accept the authority of members of staff and observe specific rules which may be made from time to time.
  • to behave in a manner which does not endanger the health and safety of themselves or others.
  • to behave with courtesy and consideration for others.  In particular, students must refrain from all forms of bullying and harassment.
  • to refrain from behaviour which would interrupt the work of any class or hinder the learning opportunities of other students.
  • to respect school property and the property of staff and other students.
  • to be punctual and attend all classes and excursions activity time.
  • to complete work set by teachers promptly and to the best of their ability and to take full advantage of the educational opportunities offered at the school.
  • students are not permitted to possess or smoke cigarettes, possess or use or be under the influence of alcohol or unprescribed drugs or other substances harmful to health, at accommodation facilities and on school excursions.


Students are expected to behave with courtesy and consideration for others.  Violence, bullying, verbal intimidation and offensive behaviour are not acceptable, and students are expected to behave in a manner consistent with safety and to avoid such practices as running in the building or throwing missiles.  Students are not permitted to bring weapons or dangerous objects or materials to school.  Riding bicycles or skateboards, etc., in the school premises is not permitted. 

Out-of-bounds areas

The natural boundaries of Whitehorse Road, Middleborough Road and the railway cutting establish the limits clearly to the north, east and south.  To the west the boundary is defined roughly by Whitehorse Oval and the car park, i.e., beyond the western goal posts is out-of-bounds, as is the car park area.  The front steps and garden in front of the Assembly Hall and the area around the cricket nets are also out-of-bounds. 

Use of Buildings 

For safety reasons students should closely observe the following: 

  • No running in corridors, through doorways, along verandahs and balconies, the quadrangle or up and down stairways.
  • Students should not enter buildings without the permission of camp managers. 
  • At no time are students to be in a classroom, workshop or gymnasium, etc., unless accompanied by a teacher or a prefect, or unless under supervision by staff.


If a student or group of students is smoking, it is the responsibility of the other students to dissuade that student or to walk away.  Any student in the company of a smoker will be deemed to be smoking.

Action which may be taken where the Code of Conduct is breached 

  • Wherever possible, action will be taken to assist the student to achieve self-discipline and to assist with problems which may underlie the unacceptable behaviour.  Where appropriate, action will be taken as a direct consequence of the misbehaviour; for example, persistent misbehaviour in a class may lead to withdrawal from the class. 
  • In general, teachers will deal with instances of unacceptable behaviour in the classroom but cases of persistent or extreme misconduct may be referred to year level co-ordinators.  Year level co-ordinators are responsible for the general overview of discipline at their year level, while the Principal and Assistant Principal will exercise an overview of the discipline of the school as a whole and may be referred to in the most serious cases of misconduct.  

Action to be taken following breaches of school rules may include:  

  • discussion with student, advice to or discussion with parents, reference to guidance personnel, etc.  It is school policy to advise parents of all serious or persistent breaches of school rules.
  • detention, and the imposition of tasks which will benefit the school.
  • Detentions may be given for up to half of any recess period and for up to 45 minutes after school.  Parents will be given notice of any after school detention at least one day in advance.  In serious cases, students may be required to attend school on curriculum/correction days or on Saturdays.
  • taking a student out of a school activity or situation; for example, withdrawal from class, exclusion from excursions or restriction of a student to certain parts of the school grounds.
  • reparation – the student may be required to make good some damage, clear up a mess which has been made, etc.  When it can be established that damage has been caused by one or more individual students, the Principal may bill the student for all or part of the full cost of the repairs, depending on whether the student’s actions were malicious, negligent or careless.
  • suspension from school.  

Smoking and other drugs 

The following penalties are automatically imposed when students are caught smoking.  Note that if some members of a group of students are smoking, all students are liable to be penalised.  It is the responsibility of students not to remain with students who are smoking. 

Discipline procedures  

Procedures Within the Classroom 

  • Teachers are strongly advised to give students a clear statement of their expectations concerning classroom behaviour, and to demand high standards of behaviour from students at all times. 
  • Action which may be taken by classroom teachers includes reprimands, warnings and isolation of students within the classroom, detentions organised by the teacher or extra work.  Classroom teachers may wish to contact parents directly.

Referral to senior staff and Incident Report  

  • Students who are guilty of serious or repeated misconduct are normally reported to year level co-ordinators.  Where a year level co-ordinator is unavailable, or in cases of very serious misconduct, the Principal or Assistant Principal may be involved in the first instance.
  • Where a student is referred to senior staff, an Incident Report must be completed.  Blank forms are located in the staffroom.  The report is completed and photocopied.  One copy goes to the level co-ordinator, the other to the Principal.  This is important in enabling the school to build up records of students who may require action such as suspension or expulsion.  

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